Thursday, May 21, 2015


Hey what's good? My name is Paige Snyder and I'm a 3rd semester film major. I guess this is the part where I talk about myself. Well, I'm not really sure what to say except that I'm really goofy and I'm from Oxnard, California. I'm madly in love with Quentin Tarantino and my favorite band is The Doors. I also really love Lana Del Rey. I have two dachshunds named Peanut and Bo who are my life and make me giggle every day. I love animals and every time I watch the movie "Ghost" I cry like a baby. My favorite beverage is Diet Coke and my favorite food is sushi. My least favorite food is Mexican food. Yeah, I know, I'm a weirdo.  My biggest fear is the ocean. I’m so terrified of it that I won’t even put my feet in it. I can’t even go on the pier without having a panic attack. Last summer I got an opportunity to travel to England and France and it was honestly the trip of a lifetime. My favorite book is “The Doors of Perception” by Aldous Huxley and my favorite poem is “Far Arden” by Jim Morrison. I really like writing, and I hope this class can help me become a better writer. Someday I hope to write screenplays. I’m prone to having fainting spells and even sometimes seizures, but if this happens when you’re around me don’t panic, just make sure I’m laying flat on the ground and you’re holding my head so I don’t hurt myself. And also, please don’t call 911. I’ll be fine, this has happened to me many times and there’s nothing anyone can do except to make sure I’m comfortable and to just wait it out. Well, that’s pretty much me in a nutshell.


  1. PAIGE. HI! Quentin Tarantino is a baller. And "will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? Brooklyn Baby? HOLLER!! we should watch "Ghost" together sometime ;) You can eat sushi and I'll eat mexican food. Just kidding, we can both eat sushi. Poems and books are cool. I love your favorite choices. I hope one day I get the change to read them. I believe with your talent, you will be an amazing screenwriter. Just be you. Do you. And you will achieve your goals!!! peace out, nat

  2. Paige,

    Damn, sister, we have a lot in common. The Doors? The Doors of Perception? Lana? Fear of the ocean? All checks in my book.

    Don’t forget to read/react to the readings, OK? Definitely important. Also—and please don’t take too much offense to this—try sprucing up your blog when you get ~5 minutes. From all accounts, you’ve got a groovy taste in life; bring some of that to your blog. ☺

